November 20, 2009

MouseHunt Walkthrough -section 2-

The original post :

MouseHunt is a Facebook game where you set traps to catch various weird and wacky mice. Over the years it has developed into a content-rich game, with many paths and possible strategies. It is fun to explore, but there are certain areas where new players might get lost in, not knowing what to do next. That's what this guide is here for. :) The following information is the result of experience and the study of the MouseHunting community.

Chapter 4: Laboratory (Master)

* If you had collected 4 Splintered Wood, craft the Dehydration Base using this recipe.
o NOTE: If you're still Journeyman, attempting to craft this base could result in failure, losing all your ingredients.
o 1 Dehydration Base Blueprints
o 213 Salt
o 4 Splintered Wood
* Do not go to the Great Gnarled Tree yet; go the Laboratory first. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot (if you have it) / Swiss Army Mouse Trap
o Base: Dehydration Base (if you crafted it) / Explosive Base
o Cheese: Swiss. Also take along about 300 Brie, but don't use it.
* Hunt until you acquire:
o Zombie Mouse with the Tattered Mousoleum Map. Do not go to the Mousoleum just yet.
o Dwarf Mouse with the Key to the Town of Digby.
o At least 33 Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions. Yes, it may take a while to accumulate these, but it'll pay off. These are used to make Radioactive Blue cheese, which is needed in the Mousoleum.
o There is a way to speed up the process. Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions are more effective on SUPER|Brie+ than Brie, converting more per potion. If you use SUPER|Brie+, you don't need as many potions to create the same amount of Radioactive Blue cheese. Find out how to obtain SUPER|Brie+ here.

Chapter 5a: Town of Digby/Mousoleum

* Go to the Town of Digby. Setup doesn't matter much, as we aren't going to hunt there.
o If you have the PartyBot, you do not need to go to the Town of Digby or buy a trap there.
* Buy the Sinister Portal (140,600 gold). If you already have the Ambrosial Portal, use that instead.
* Go to Inventory → Potions.
* Convert your Brie into Radioactive Blue using the Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions.
o Using the potions will consume gold, so you do not have to convert all your Brie at once; just convert with 1 or 2 potions, and use the gold you'll be earning to convert more.
o Also note that as you level up, your potions become more effective and can convert more cheese. This is another reason not to use all your potions at once.
* Go to the Mousoleum. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Sinister Portal / Ambrosial Portal. Do not use any other weapon.
o Base: Dehydration Base (with PartyBot) / Explosive Base (with Portals)
o Cheese: Radioactive Blue. No other cheese is effective.
o Most of the mice in the Mousoleum are of type "Shadow", which is resistant to "Physical" traps. This is why you must use a "Shadow" trap to catch them, and why I discouraged buying the NVMRC Forcefield / Mouse Deathbot.
o Exception: The PartyBot. The mice are resistant to it, but it has high enough power to catch the few physical mice in the Mousoleum, and its high luck means that it doesn't do too bad against shadow mice either. Statistics show that the PartyBot actually earns more gold than the Sinister Portal. You may safely ignore the "my trap was less effective against this mouse" messages.
o The Mousoleum mice are tougher than you may be used to. You will miss a fair amount of mice, and they steal more than the mice in the other areas. However, the mice here are also worth far more than other areas, making the Mousoleum one of the best areas to make gold in. Just make sure that you're using the correct setup.
* Continue hunting, converting Brie into Radioactive Blue as needed.
* Attempt to catch a Lycan Mouse with the Shredded Furoma Map Piece.
* If you run out of Radioactive Blue potions before catching one, you may either go back to the Laboratory to find more potions, or craft Moon Cheese, which increases the attraction rate for Lycans in the Mousoleum greatly, using this recipe:
o 1 Meteorite, dropped by Granite Mice in the Town of Digby. Use the same setup you were using in the Laboratory.
+ If you're lucky, you may find a Mole Mouse with the Shredded Furoma Map Piece while hunting in Digby, but they are quite rare.
o 3 Curds and Whey, obtainable from the Harbour General Store.
o 2 Magic Essence, obtainable by smashing SUPER|Brie+. Find out how to obtain SUPER|Brie+ here.
* Once you have the Shredded Furoma Map Piece, continue hunting in the Mousoleum, using potions as you go.
* Save about 30 Radioactive Blue Cheese; if you used it all up, go back to the Laboratory for a few potions. Then continue to the next chapter.

Chapter 5b: Great Gnarled Tree

* Go to the Great Gnarled Tree.
* What trap do you use here? There are quite a number of Tactical mice here, so you'll need a Tactical type trap. Actually you don't need one right now, but you'll be going to an area with even more Tactical mice soon, so you might as well get one now.
* If you happen to have the Snow Barrage, use that here with the Dehydration Base and Swiss cheese.
* If you do not have the Snow Barrage, buy the Venus Mouse Trap from the trapsmith here. Use it with the Explosive Base and Swiss cheese.
* Hunt until you have at least 827,500 points. Once you have that, you will be able to upgrade the Venus Mouse Trap.
* You may have noticed back in the Mousoleum that whenever Radioactive Blue Cheese goes stale on your trap, you receive a crafting item called the Radioactive Sludge.
* You need 20 of these, which you likely don't have. Thus, equip the trap setup with the worst cheese effect ratings possible.
* For most, this will be the Sinister Portal with Explosive Base. If you don't have that, get the Mouse Rocketine from the Town of Gnawnia, which in fact has an even worse cheese effect.
* Do not use trap components with a high attraction bonus, like the Tacky Glue Trap.
* Equip your remaining Radioactive Blue Cheese and hunt in the Town of Gnawnia.
* Your attraction rate will be extremely low, but you will collect Radioactive Sludge every time your cheese goes stale. Again, you need 20 of these; check your progress with your crafting panel, accessible via Inventory → Crafting.
* Once you have that, go to your crafting panel, click the green arrow by the Hunter's Hammer, and smash your Venus Mouse Trap. You will get a Venus Mouse Trap Husk.
* Now enter this recipe into the crafting panel:
o 1 Venus Mouse Trap Husk
o 20 Radioactive Sludge
* Hit the Combine Items button. Cackle evilly while doing so (optional, but fun). It's… alive!
* Behold, a Mutated Venus Mouse Trap! Equip that with the Dehydration Base and Swiss cheese and continue hunting in the Great Gnarled Tree.
* If you had accidentally smashed the Venus Mouse Trap without the required points or Radioactive Sludge, you can easily reconstruct it by crafting with the Venus Mouse Trap Husk alone.
* You may collect some Gnarled Cheese Curd Potions, or if you're really lucky, the Map of the Lagoon. Save these for later.
* Continue hunting until you reach Grandmaster.

Chapter 6: Training Grounds/Bazaar (Grandmaster)

* Do not go to the Lagoon yet. Though the game allows you to go there as a Grandmaster, there are important traps and items that you need to acquire in the other regions.
* Make sure you're stocked up on Swiss. Buy more from the Town of Gnawnia if necessary, but leave enough for travel.
* If you haven't got the Dehydration Base Blueprints from the Harbour yet, go and get it now. Also get 213 Salt.
* Go to the Training Grounds. What trap do you use? Notice that most of the mice here are of the Tactical type, as detailed in the last chapter. So use:
o Weapon: Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Swiss; if you need more, do not buy from the Cheese Shoppe there, as it costs twice what the Town of Gnawnia charges.
* I do not recommend that you buy the Zugzwang's Last Move sold in the Trapsmith here. If you do not have the weapons listed, I recommend you backtrack to acquire the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap, as it is superior and can be upgraded later in the game. However, if you already have the Zugzwang's Last Move, use it with the Explosive Base.
* Note that the General Store here sells Splintered Wood. If you haven't had enough to craft the Dehydration Base, you may buy what you needed, and craft it now. Here's the recipe again:
o 1 Dehydration Base Blueprints
o 213 Salt
o 4 Splintered Wood
* Hunt until you get the Ticket to the Burroughs Bazaar from one of the mice.
* Before leaving the Training Grounds, go to the General Store. Stock:
o 10 Burroughs Salmon
o 10 Nori
o 3 Rice Paper
o 15 Splintered Wood
* You may sell some of your Swiss to the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Training Grounds to raise the gold needed.
* Now go back to the Town of Gnawnia. Sell back your Swiss (and other cheese you may have received from King's Rewards) and buy Brie (yes, your last upgrade)
* Now it's off to the Bazaar.
* As soon as you arrive, go to the Cartographer, and turn in your Shredded Furoma Map. It will cost you 90,000 gold. If you had bought too much Brie, you may refund them at the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Bazaar.
* It takes approximately 24 hours to repair the Shredded Furoma Map. While waiting, you may hunt in the Bazaar. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap / Zugzwang's Last Move
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Brie; again, do not buy from the Cheese Shoppe here.
* Check on the progress of the Furoma map repairs.
* Once repair is complete, pick up your Furoma Map Stitch from the Cartographer. Note that you now have three new areas in Furoma open to you: the Dojo, the Meditation Room, and the Pinnacle Chamber.
* Before leaving the Bazaar, go to the General Store. Stock:
o 10 Cheesy Fluffs
o 300 Curds and Whey
o 10 Invisi-glu
o 10 Ionized Salt
o 10 Paint-brand Paint
o 8 Droid Parts (if you can't afford these, come back later, but get the others)
* Again, you may sell some of your Brie to the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Bazaar to raise the gold needed.

Chapter 7: Dojo

* Travel to the Dojo. Use:
o Weapon: Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap / Zugzwang's Last Move
o Base: Dehydration Base (with Snow Barrage or Mutated Venus Mouse Trap) / Explosive Base (with Zugzwang's Last Move)
o Cheese: Brie
* You'll find much of the same mice here that you did in the Training Grounds. Except you won't find any White Mice or Dwarf Mice here. Instead, there are three notable new mice, each of which drop a special crafting item:
o Student of the Cheese Claw — drops the Token of the Cheese Claw.
o Student of the Cheese Fang — drops the Token of the Cheese Fang.
o Student of the Cheese Belt — drops the... argh, you can figure this one out. :p
* Most students will drop their corresponding token when caught, however there is a small minority (about 1%) that won't. It is not a bug, although it is often mistaken for one.
* Each of these tokens are used to craft a specific type of cheese, used to catch a specific mouse in the Meditation Room. Here are the cheeses and their recipes:
o Susheese — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Claw:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Claw
+ 3 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Nori
+ 1 Burroughs Salmon
o Combat — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Fang:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Fang
+ 5 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Splintered Wood
+ 1 Paint-brand Paint
o Glutter — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Belt:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Belt
+ 7 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Invisi-glu
+ 1 Cheesy Fluffs
* All recipes above make 3 pieces of cheese. Note you can't double these recipes to make double the cheese; the quantities have to be entered exactly. The good news is you only have to enter each recipe once; once you do, it can be recalled from the "Previously Crafted" drop-down box, as long as you have the ingredients.
* Once you have crafted some of these special cheeses, you can try your luck using them in the Meditation Room. Note that the cost of traveling is only 25 each way, so you can choose how often you want to go.
* Your goal is to catch one of each type of Master. Once you have caught one of a certain type, do not continue hunting with that cheese. Either switch to a different crafted cheese, or return to the Dojo ground floor.
o The Master of the Cheese Claw drops the Master Claw Shard
o The Master of the Cheese Fang drops the Master Fang Shard
o The Master of the Cheese Belt drops the... well...
* Combine all three shards (just throw one of each into the recipe) to create the Master's Seal.
* Now return to the Dojo ground floor, and be on the lookout for the Ambush Trap Blueprints. These may be dropped by either the Assassin Mouse or the Worker Mouse.
* Once you have it (you may have already got it while hunting the students), you may attempt to craft the Ambush.
o Keep in mind, however, that as a Grandmaster, you will need to use a red box, and thus may fail, losing all your ingredients.
o The chance of failure seems to be about 50%. There is no way to affect this probability; it is not affected by your percentage progress across your Grandmaster rank, or the order in which you put the ingredients in. The only "safe" way of crafting the Ambush is to wait until Legendary.
o That said, here's the recipe:
+ 1 Ambush Trap Blueprints
+ 1 Master's Seal
+ 3 Rice Paper
+ 5 Splintered Wood
+ 8 Droid Parts
* So, to craft it or not? Personally, I'd say no. Partly because I am risk-averse (read: chicken :p), and partly because you are going to have to wait for Legendary anyway.
* However, you may have a different opinion. Having the Ambush will improve performance in the Dojo. Just note that the closer you are to Legendary, the less you have to gain from crafting the Ambush early, and the greater your possibility of not being able to reacquire your ingredients before hitting Legendary, thus delaying your progress. If your progress bar is 70% or more, you should definitely wait for Legendary.
* In any case, continue hunting until you reach Legendary, collecting as many tokens as you can.
o If you're having trouble collecting tokens, and you have the SUPER|Brie+ to spare, you could try crafting Maki cheese, which greatly increases the attraction rate of Students. The recipe is as follows (makes 3 pieces):
+ 1 Nori
+ 3 Curds and Whey
+ 3 Magic Essence (obtainable by smashing SUPER|Brie+)
* If you were waiting to craft the Ambush, or had failed the first time and reacquired the ingredients, you may craft it safely now. :)
* If you still do not have the Ambush Trap Blueprints, go to the Meditation Room and just use Brie. Or, you may use any Swiss you may have received from King's Rewards, to minimize gold loss. You will catch a lot of Hapless Mice; you may have noticed this mouse in the Dojo, and cursed its low point and gold return. However, the Hapless Mice in the Meditation Room have a chance of dropping the Ambush Trap Blueprints; as the Hapless is very easy to catch, you will get many chances.

Chapter 8: Meditation Room/Pinnacle Chamber (Legendary)

* You should now be Legendary, and have crafted the Ambush.
* Now craft as much Susheese, Combat, and Glutter as you can.
* Go to the Meditation Room. Use the Ambush and the Explosive Base.
* Use up all your crafted cheese, catching as many Masters as you can. Do not combine the shards.
* Now it's time to move to the Pinnacle Chamber, just like in those old kung-fu movies, to face the "boss" of Furoma, the Master of the Dojo Mouse (often nicknamed "Mojo").
* You need another crafted cheese to hunt here: the Rumble. The recipe is as follows (makes 3 pieces):
o 1 Ionized Salt
o 20 Curds and Whey
o 1 Master Claw Shard
o 1 Master Fang Shard
o 1 Master Belt Shard
* Note that this recipe uses 5 ingredients, which is the main reason you had to wait for Legendary.
* If you had accidentally combined the shards, you can substitute 1 Master's Seal in place of the shards, but it only makes one piece of Rumble.
* Make as much Rumble as you can, and hunt till you run out. Hopefully, you catch at least one Master of the Dojo Mouse. The important thing is to collect its loot, the Onyx Stone. You only really need one, if you get more, it's icing on the cake.
* If you do not get it, you can either catch more Students and Masters and try again, or you can move on to the next chapters. However, you will need the Onyx Stone eventually.

MouseHunt Walkthrough -section 1-

The original post :

MouseHunt is a Facebook game where you set traps to catch various weird and wacky mice. Over the years it has developed into a content-rich game, with many paths and possible strategies. It is fun to explore, but there are certain areas where new players might get lost in, not knowing what to do next. That's what this guide is here for. :) The following information is the result of experience and the study of the MouseHunting community.

Section I: Gnawnia

Chapter 1: Town of Gnawnia/Meadow (Novice)
  • If you're just starting the game, pick the Tacky Glue Trap. It is slightly less powerful, but attracts a lot more mice. If you already have the High Tension Spring, use that instead.
  • Buy all the Cheddar you can afford, except for 25 gold, and travel to the Meadow.
  • If you run out of cheese, go back to the Town of Gnawnia, buy more Cheddar, and return.
  • Continue until you can afford the Wooden Base With Target (cost: 1,225 gold) from the Town of Gnawnia trapsmith. Be sure to leave some spare change for cheese and travel expenses. You can sell back the Wooden Base to the trapsmith if you desire.
    • It's up to you whether you want to sell back traps. Some hunters like to keep a collection of their old traps, for sentimental or experimentation purposes. The gold may be helpful toward the purchase of your next trap, but then again it isn't that much, so it's up to you really.
  • Continue hunting in the Meadow until you can afford the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher (cost: 3,450 gold, remember to leave some spare change) from the Town of Gnawnia trapsmith. If you already have the Mouse Mary O'Nette, use that instead. Sell back the Tacky Glue Trap or High Tension Spring, if you like.
  • Avoid the Stone Base; while it has increased power, it attracts a lot less mice.
  • Now hunt in the Town of Gnawnia.
  • Continue until you can afford the Mouse Trebuchet (cost: 15,850 gold + spare change). If you already have the Mouse Rocketine, use that instead. Sell back the 500 Pound Spiked Crusher or Mouse Mary O'Nette if you like.
    • This is the first item that you may find yourself taking some time to save up for. Take heart that it's pretty much like this from here on out; you'll pretty much be constantly saving gold for traps and other expenses you'll be needing. This is probably a good time to read the Gold and SUPER|Brie+ appendix for some ideas.
    • There are certain groups of kind MouseHunters, who are willing to help new players out, with competitions, trap funding programs, or advice programs. A list can be found in the Links appendix of this guide. The NVMRC in particular has a program specifically to help new players buy the Trebuchet.
  • Once you have about 1,000 gold, switch to Marble cheese.
  • Continue hunting until you reach Apprentice.

Chapter 2: Harbour (Apprentice)
  • Buy all the Marble you can afford, and travel to the Harbour, using the Mouse Rocketine or Mouse Trebuchet, with the Wooden Base with Target.
  • Note that mice can steal gold, extra pieces of cheese, and points ("crippling your courage"), in the Harbour and most subsequent areas. Do not be overwhelmed by this; your trap is strong enough.
  • Hunt in the Harbour until you can afford the Swiss Army Mouse Trap (70,300 gold) from the Town of Gnawnia trapsmith. Once you do, upgrade to Swiss cheese (nice mnemonic huh?). Sell back Mouse Trebuchet if you like; but if you happen to have gotten the Mouse Rocketine instead, keep it.
  • If you can afford it, buy and use the Explosive Base (29,775 gold) during one of your stops in the Town of Gnawnia. Do not sell back the Wooden Base with Target; it is useful if you want to attract as many mice as possible.
  • Catch a Granite Mouse with a Whisker Woods Clearing Map Piece (note that not all granite mice will drop a map).
  • Continue hunting until you reach Journeyman.
  • Before leaving the Harbour, buy the following from the General Store:
    • 1 Dehydration Base Blueprints
    • 213 Salt
  • If you can't afford these, don't worry; you can come back for them later.

Chapter 3: Mountain/Calm Clearing (Journeyman)
  • Buy all the Swiss you can afford from the Town of Gnawnia, and travel to the Mountain, using the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, with the Explosive Base.
    • You can sometimes save gold in travelling by making detours. Use the Travel Planner to find them.
  • Hunt until you catch a Ninja Mouse with a Burroughs Laboratory Map Piece. You must have this map piece to continue in the game.
  • If you have the Whisker Woods Clearing Map Piece, you may go to the Calm Clearing. If you don't have it, go back to the Harbour to find it.
  • Now go to the Calm Clearing, catch a Cyclops Mouse with a Gnarled Tree Map Piece.
  • Avoid buying the NVMRC Forcefield Trap or the Mouse Deathbot. These traps are powerful, but mice in many later areas are resistant to "physical" traps. The gold is best saved for the special traps needed to catch these mice.
    • If you have a lot of gold from gifts from a friend (please do not beg), winning a competition, or from donating and selling SUPER|Brie+, the NVMRC Forcefield Trap is preferred over the Mouse Deathbot.
  • Exception: If you had acquired a limited-edition Party Hat from either Ronza or a gift from a Birthday Mouse:
    • Buy the Mouse Deathbot (256,400 gold).
    • Unequip the Mouse Deathbot (by equipping another weapon).
    • Go to Inventory → Crafting.
    • NOTE: If you're reading ahead and are still Apprentice, do not follow the instructions below! Note that you have one white box and one red box in the crafting panel. This means that you can't safely combine the Party Hat with the Deathbot. Should you attempt to do so you have a chance of failure, losing your expensive Deathbot and the irreplaceable Party Hat! If you wait till you're a Journeyman, you'll gain another white box, allowing you to safely craft it.
    • Click the green arrow to the right of the Hunter's Hammer.
    • Smash the Mouse Deathbot! You'll acquire Deathbot Parts.
    • Craft the Party Hat with the Deathbot Parts to create the PartyBot!
  • Try to collect 4 pieces of Splintered Wood. Don't worry if you don't get them, you get to buy these later.
  • Continue hunting until you reach Master.

August 30, 2009

Mafia Wars Tips & Trick Energy

Don't use energy packs simply to level up. Using them for the sake of leveling is a waste since you are already able to level up off of a single energy bar. Additionally, if you are following this guide, do not use energy packs before level 100. Using them before level 100 is a waste, since it only takes an hour or 2 to hit level 100 following this strategy guide. To make full use of an energy pack, you need a lot of energy to make it worthwhile. If you aren't following this guide step by step and are just looking to be a better player, you can still use this same strategy to your advantage.

Collecting Cameras

The best use for an energy pack is to stock up on Untraceable Cell Phones, Concealable Cameras, and Computer Set-ups. You need around 400 cell phones, probably around 500 or 600 concealable cameras, and 250 computer set-ups to master all the jobs. Computer Set-Ups are also used to obtain the highest defense armor (Falsified Documents), so you can never get enough of those either. The problem is, the "Rob an Electronics Store" job is one of the least efficient jobs in the game, making it very hard to collect these consumable items. However, with an energy pack, you will easily be able to level up off of doing an inefficient job like "Rob an Electronics Store". Therefore, your energy pack should be used to collect these consumable items. Just use all of your energy on robbing an electronics store, then use the energy pack, then do the same job until you level up.

Demote your Mastermind

When using an energy pack to collect items, the goal is now not leveling up, but collecting as many items as possible with your energy pack. For this reason, it is important here to come into a fresh level without any extra experience points. Additionally, you should demote your top mafia mastermind so that you can do the job more times. If this is confusing you, think of it this way. Let's say you are level 100, and you have 750 energy, and you need 1250 experience points to level up. With an energy pack, you'll have 750 energy + 937 energy for the pack to use for that level.. energy is not a concern when you have an energy pack. Let's say that the electronics store job gives 27 exp. You will be able to do the job 47 times before you level up. However, if you demote your mastermind, the job will only offer 25 exp. You'll now be able to do the job 50 times before you level up. That is 3 extra items that you will be able to collect from demoting your mastermind. It may seem insignificant, but it will definitely add up, especially at high levels! Don't forget to promote your mastermind when your energy pack is used up!

Step by Step process:

1. Keep your energy pack until you level up.

2. Get to a fresh level.

3. Demote your Mastermind.

4. Use all of your energy on robbing the electronics store (enforcer tier).

5. Use your energy pack when you are out of energy.

6. Rob the electronics store until you almost level up.

7. Re-promote your Mastermind.

8. You should do your most expensive job right before you level up so you can get a head start on the next level.

9. Continue leveling!
One way to cheat in mafia wars is by making the most of your energy. Yes, making the most of your energy. I know it seems like it should only require a little bit of common sense, but let's face it, some people suck at math and energy optimization within mafia wars requires a little bit of foresight and a little bit of math.

Before we begin with the rules on saving energy in mafia wars, we need to know the situations in which saving energy methods will even have an impact on your game. I came up with two situations in which I routinely manipulate my remaining energy to get the most bang for my buck.

In the first scenario we have just leveled up within mafia wars. We have full energy, full health, full stamina, and an entire level's worth of experience to get before we gain our next reward points. For most of us this is a situation in which we must maximize our gains to get us closer to the next level. "How do we maximize our gains?" you ask. I'll tell you.

In order to maximize your experience gains in mafia wars you will need to look at each job you can do closely. Each job is rated for the amount of experience you gain and the amount of energy you use. When you are trying to maximize your experience gains you are going to focus on jobs with the highest experience:energy ratio. Looking at an example from my personal game I have the "Steal an Arms Shipment" job rated at 73 experience and costs 40 energy. The experience:energy ratio then is 73:40 or 1.825. I also have the "Fix the Big Game" job rated at 66 experience and costs 44 energy. The experience:energy ratio on this job is 66:44 or 1.5. Obviously, if I'm trying to maximize my experience then I'm going to do the "Steal an Arms Shipment" job as much as possible and leave the "Fix the Big Game" job for last.

The second scenario you are finding yourself with way more energy than you need to level up, resulting in wasted energy at the end of the level. This can occur if you've been away from the game for a while, allowing your energy to fully refill. For most of us, this is a situation in which we are going to get as many jobs done as we can prior to the level up. To do this we look at jobs that we must do whether we level up or not and pick the ones with the worst experience:energy ratio. This allows us to expend most of our energy before we level up, while completing a larger number of jobs before leveling up, resulting in fewer wasted energy points. Using the same jobs as above, we would want to pick the "Fix the Big Game" job in this situation.

The whole goal with both of these scenarios is to maximize the amount of experience you have gained when you level up. In each of these scenarios there is one more condition to always consider. If the next job you do is going to level you up, then make sure you do provides the most experience with the remaining energy you have available.

Now that you have seen the scenarios in which strategic game play can enhance the experience you gain with the energy you have, you can start making better use of your energy and start leveling up that much faster.

Good luck for u. thx

Mafia Wars Tips & Trick II

This is the guide to help navigate the world of the mafia in Facebook's Mafia Wars, tips and advice to get around the mafia world and start forming a mob.

Facebook has an interactive, online game called Mafia Wars that has taken the social networking scene by storm. The only real issue with the game seems to be in knowing how to play. A definitive guide to Mafia Wars seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle. This guide is intended to help beginners just forming their mafia family.

First, and of foremost importance is to grow the family. This can be achieved by inviting friends, visiting Facebook pages dedicated to growing families and getting in on the networking action. The family must grow to keep doing jobs and gain more strength for fights. This should not be a problem due to the number of people who play Mafia Wars and are constantly seeking new family members themselves.

Second, players should keep leveling up as often as possible. Levels are increased according to experience points. These points are given for jobs and for winning fights. As levels increase new jobs are opened up and new properties and inventory items become available.
Jobs in Mafia Wars

Jobs are useful for acquiring experience points, special items and money. Choosing the job to perform should be a strategic decision based on what the ultimate goal is for doing the job.

Doing jobs to acquire experience points helps to level up quicker. Early levels don’t require a large amount of experience points in order to move up and so doing jobs with the most experience points is a fast way to move up the ladder.

If acquiring special loot items is the goal research what other players have found out in terms of which jobs yield what items. Remember that the job may have to be performed more than one time to yield the loot.

Doing jobs for money is pretty self-explanatory. If acquiring large sums of cash is the ultimate goal, choose jobs that have larger payouts and repeatedly perform them.
Mafia Wars Properties

Buying property is another method of accumulating cash, which is needed to buy weapons. The key to purchasing property is to buy in blocks of 10. The reason is that after the 10th one is purchased, the price goes up.

As wealth accumulates, and it does quickly, focus on buying larger properties that bring in more income. Income accumulates hourly even when not logged in to the game. This is especially helpful in keeping the entire family outfitted for fighting.
Upgrades to Mafia Members

Lastly, new mafia members should be aware of upgrades. As levels are reached mafia bosses are rewarded with points to spend on upgrading their mafia boss character. Each player will develop their own method of upgrading. Attributes that can be upgraded are Attack Strength, Defense Strength, Maximum Energy, Maximum Health and Stamina.

Some players alternate upgrading and attribute and some players focus on one or two attributes. The decision is based on strategy. Attack, defense, stamina and health are all related to fighting and energy is related to doing jobs.

For new players just delving into the underground world of the Mafia, these getting started steps should prove to be helpful. There is no right or wrong way to play Mafia Wars, its all about having fun in the virtual world of the Mafia. Capici.

It’s time for another tips session, and this time, it’s off to the mafia. Mafia Wars seems like a simple game at first glance, but once you get into it, it actually begins to become somewhat complicated with hits, different jobs, adding members, equipping all of them, and so on. What do you buy? What quests do you do? How should you level? These are all questions that are posed by new players, and it can be a bit daunting. Well, we searched high and low for ways to help you out, and hopefully these tips and tricks will help those new players that simply feel overwhelmed.

So you’ve started Mafia Wars and you’re not sure where to start, well, the first choice is easy enough: Pick a “Maniac” class. While earning more cash or health might seem appealing, energy is what allows you to do quests and it is significantly better to earn both cash and experience instead of just one. That said, it’s time to get down to business.

DO NOT add to you mafia right away. Yes, you do want a large mafia to be stronger, but if you are ill-prepared, this is going to hurt more than help. Essentially, you want to have a “Mafia Mikes” and a “Bloody Chainsaw” (please note, that the bloody chainsaw is a special item bought from the home page and will periodically change. For all intents and purposes, the special item tends to have similar stats, and is often interchangable if the chainsaw is gone) for every two members. Here’s the thing though, the game bases the amount of members you need for another one of these items based on your current members. So say you bought a chainsaw with a mafia of 12, but then added 8 people, you’ll now need 22 members to buy another one, thus losing out the extra chainsaws you could have bought at 16, 18, and 20 members. Assuming that you are now equipping properly, it is time to spend some experience points.

Mafia JobsIdeally, you want to put all of your points into energy so you can level faster. Since quests are going to be your primary source of experience and cash (hence why you used maniac), your limiting factor is how fast your energy recharges. Furthermore, energy resets every level, so having an high energy and a fast regeneration can get you to higher levels exponentially faster. Of course, you will want other stats eventually (when that is, is completely up to you), but this will give you a nice start.

Okay, so now you’re leveling at a nice pace and you’re getting those Mafia Mikes and Bloody Chainsaws when you should. What’s next? Why, equipping your mafia of course, and this can be done either via looting or buying. In general, it is better to loot in higher missions, but if you want to be safer, just buy, and if you’ve been doing what’s been said so far, money shouldn’t be a serious issue. The recommended equipment is as follows (once you can buy them of course):

* Weapons: Bloody Chainsaws should be available to half your mafia (since you’ve been buying them every two members right?), thus the other half should utilize the Chain Guns (.50 Caliber Rifle is better once you start looting).
* Armor: Body Armor all around – period. Yes, you can buy other stuff too, but this is a definite purchase.
* Cars: Secondary to armor and weapons, but if you must have one, the Towncar comes recommended.

This should be more than enough to get you started on the right track in Mafia Wars. However, before things get wrapped up, here are some other interesting tips found around the web that should work for both the MySpace and Facebook versions of the game.

* Avoid the Hitlist as best as possible. While it might be fun at higher levels, drawing attention to yourself at lower levels is just going to get you killed over and over again by high level players. Stay under the radar as long as you can.
* If you ever attack someone and get the maximum amount of cash ($70,000), bookmark them and attack them as often as possible.
* When you do start using other stats besides energy, it is best to keep attack and defense equal.

Best Early Cash & Experience Jobs:
o Level 1 – 4: Auto Theft
o Level 5 – 8: Bank Heist
o Level 9 – 12: Museum Break In
o Level 13 – 17: Wiretap the Cops

For every computer game available, on-line or offline, there are secret codes or cheats to get players ahead in the game quickly. Google "Facebook Mafia War cheats" and the reader will be rewarded with a barrage of sites claiming to have the secret cheats or codes.

There are some scripts out there to automate a few actions of the game. One script touts that it automatically sends friend invites to players in the fight window. It may or may not work all the time. Players can advance faster by strategizing instead of hunting cheats.

Grow the FamilyIn Mafia Wars, players form mob families by inviting other Facebook members to join. The more family members a mob has, the stronger they are. The first and ultimately most important key to advancing is to keep the mob family growing. This can be done in a couple of ways:

* Players invite all of their friends to join
* Link to other players on one of the many ‘add me’ pages in FB, thousand of players network on these pages
* Reciprocate when players join their mob family – Mafia War players can be members of more than one mob.

Family Defense

Family members need to be able to defend themselves. It is up to the Boss to make sure each team member has defensive tools. As the family accumulates wealth, the boss should make sure each member has weapons, vehicles, etc.

* Initially, funds will be low, the Boss should focus on growing wealth in order to take care of family
* As wealth is accumulated, Boss should purchase each member of family more weapons

Increase the Wealth

Each Mob Boss will have different strategies for accumulating wealth. Some families focus on more jobs and payouts while other families are more involved in property acquisitions. These strategy tips will help increase the family wealth regardless of the ultimate goal:

* In the early levels of game play, purchase properties with a low investment cost and decent return rate. Mafia Mike’s Delis are an excellent choice; however, the number available for purchase is dependent on the number of family members.
* As the money increases purchase high end properties – the key is to purchase as many as possible at one time. Once a purchase is made, the price increases for the next purchase.
* Beware of the upkeep cost of some high end weapons and vehicles. Make sure money flow is sufficient to cover the costs.

Using Points Strategically

With each level up, players are given reward points by the Godfather. These can be used to increase a variety of attributes, such as attack, defense, energy and more. Where to apply these points depends on the Mafia Boss’ strategy.

* Knocking off rivals and going for kills: this strategy requires using reward points to increase attack, defense, and stamina attributes. This allows the player to knock off other mobs and engage in more fights while staying strong themselves.
* Money Accumulation: this strategy requires putting most reward points into the energy level. Energy enables the family to do more jobs, thus acquiring more money.

Mafia War players also have the option of buying reward points from the Godfather, if they so choose. Additionally, there are often special weapons or incentives available that can only be purchased with reward points.

Mafia Wars is an extremely popular game that has become the rage around the world. Players who are looking for shortcuts to bypass the actually playing of the game might not find what they are looking for, however, employing a few secrets to advancing their mob can prove to be just as valuable. For more valuabe information regarding Facebook Mafia Wars see Facebook Mafia War Secrets Revealed or Facebook Mafia Wars: Getting Started or Confessions of a Capo.

Facebook Mafia Wars Secrets Revealed
Facebook Mafia War players are constantly on a quest to acquire more money, power, weapons and the randomly dropped special loot items. Often, special looted items are required to perform jobs. Frustration soon ensues because there is no visible way of knowing how to get that random loot drops. Until now that is. The Mob bosses have revealed Mafia War secrets for adding items to the family bounty.

Through hours of play a listing of jobs that have random loot drops and what that loot is has been compiled. Doing the job may not always result in the loot being dropped on the first time, but what is listed is what was consistently dropped for the noted job.
Random Loot Drops

Jobs that advertise random loot drops are useful for acquiring necessary weapons or other specialty items needed for other jobs and hits. This listing of jobs and associated random loot drops should be a great asset in further advancement in the mafia world.

This list is set up with the loot that is dropped followed by the job that is done to acquire it.

* Stab-Proof Vest - Kill A Protected Snitch
* Bodyguards - Protect Your City Against A Rival Family
* Night Vision Goggles - Assassinate A Political Figure
* Armored Truck - Smuggle Across The Border
* Armored Car - Invade Tong-Controlled Neighborhood
* Bullet-Proof Bentley - Win 20,000 Chips In Mafia Wars Poker
* .22 Pistol - Beat Up Rival Gangster
* Butterfly Knife - Collect Protection Money
* Brass Knuckles - Rough Up Dealers
* 9mm Semi-Automatic - Rob A Pimp
* .45 Revolver - Take Out A Rouge Cop
* Tactical Shotgun - Perform a Hit
* C-4 - Destroy Enemy Mon Hideout
* Automatic Rifle - Bust a Made Man Out of Prison
* Semi-Automatic Shotgun - Fight a Haitian Gang
* Grenade Launcher - Repel the Yakuza
* .50 Caliber Rifle - Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring
* RGP Launcher - Sell Guns to Russian Mob
* Napalm Attack - Exterminate a Rival Family

Keep in mind that doing a job does not always insure that loot will be dropped. Somtimes the job has to be done more than one time.
Special Loot Offers

The Godfather also offers special loot on occasion. If this is the case, it will be on the homepage and will list the requirements. Sometimes is will cost money other times it is offered in exchange for Reward Points, which don’t accumulate very fast during play but can be purchased if desired.
Winning Loot

In addition to random loot drops and offerings from the Godfather, loot can also be taken during fights. At the end of the fight in the summary section you will see how much money was won, how many experience points were gained and if loot was dropped or taken it will be listed as well.

Mafia family members can also bring in loot from fights when fighting alongside their mafia boss. A description of who brought it, what was brought and who they took it from will show up on the fight summary screen.

Loot is very valuable in Mafia Wars. Sometimes it is won through fights, sometimes it is rewarded by the Godfather and sometimes it is picked up during jobs as random finds. However it is obtained, it is necessary to have in order to accomplish higher level jobs. Knowing the secrets to finding loot can mean the difference between moving up or being left behind.

Players can gain more cheats, tips and strategies with the Guide to Mafia Wars or Confession of a Capo.

Best of luck, and happy gaming

July 09, 2009

Michael Jackson - One Day In Your Life lyrics

One day in your life
you'll remember a place
Someone's touching your face
You'll come back and you'll look around you

One day in your life
You'll remember the love you found here
You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...

One day in your life
When you find that you're always waiting
For the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there


You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day...

One day in your life
When you find that you're always longing
for the love we used to share
Just call my name
And I'll be there


July 06, 2009

Dinner Dash Hometown Hero Cheat

how to hack Dinner Dash Hometown Hero story mode?
first you need artmoney
1. open Dinner dash hometown hero and artmoney
2. attach process of dinner dash by artmoney.
3. set Type to integrer, with exact value.
4. go back to dinner dash and just play level 1. until closing time.
5. you will get total earning. put that value to artmoney and search.
6. find integrer 4 byte addres on the list. put to right area.
7. Go to Dinner dash again and play level 2.
8. Back to Artmoney and change value. but dont add so much. just add to expert value.
9. every lv just add your expert value. ex. expt value 9000 so total earning + 9000

July 03, 2009

The Basics: Facebook Mafia Wars Tips and Tricks

I’m definitely not an expert when it comes to Mafia Wars, but this is what has worked for me so read this at your own risk! haha… I actually started playing Mafia Wars back in April and since the day I gave in to a friends invite, I’ve been unable to stay away. Within a couple months, I finished tier one of the BOSS level and I’m currently working on the completion of level 140. Along the way, I’ve been able to recruit 677 mafia members and ALL my top mafia members are at least level 1000 or above. How did I do it? Lets begin.


The most important aspect of Mafia Wars is definitely the recruitment of your initial 501 mafia members. The reason is simple : The bigger your mafia, the more weapons and vehicles you can bring into a fight. Initially, I simply invited friends on my list to join my Mafia, however this limited me to around thirty members or so since many of my friends were not interested in playing.

This was when I decided to “Add Members” outside my friends circle. In order for you to recruit Mafia members, they must be part of your friends listing. There are problems associated with this since you may lose some “privacy” if your worried about personal photos and such, so be sure to either set up another profile for MAFIA WARS only, or remove any sensitive information you might have on your profile you rather not have “strangers” see. You may also delete “friends” after you have successfully added them to your Mafia, but they won’t be able to help you out on bonus jobs or swap items with you to use.

Okay, now with the actual adding of Mafia members. The fastest way to do this is to become a of fan of Mafia Wars using this link. Once you are a fan, simply click the discussion boards and there are several threads with titles such as “ADD ME and I’LL ADD YOU”. Now look carefully at the latest posts of each thread and find the threads with the most recent updates. Click “Last page”, and you’ll bring up the thread with the most recent posts. I normally add members (click their names) who posted in the last ten minutes or so since they are the most likely to respond right away. Limit yourself to about twenty or so invites daily however. Facebook will suspend your account if you abuse the “Add Friend” feature. It actually took me about a month to recruit my initial 501 members, but it was worth the wait because it made it easier to properly equip all my new members with the best equipment available as I went along.

There are also other methods of recruitment, but I found the the actual mafia fan board to be the most consistent and effective. Recently, my friends and I have started a crew to build relationships with other mafia war players and you can visit our fan page here for details. Once you become a fan and add our crew tag to your mafia name, you’ll be able to join our exclusive group where we swap items and weapons as well as help with hits on other mafias who are giving lower ranking members problems.

Bonus: Recruitment of High Level Mafia Members

I’ve found that in most cases the MAFIA WAR discussion boards have members who range from level 1 to 400. Its definitely a great idea to recruit these members into your mafia, but you want your top SIX mafia members to provide you with the best bonuses available. It took me a bit of time but I’ve been able to assemble a TOP MAFIA group with members over level 1000. This is what I did. Each member you fight uses their mafia name, but not their actual facebook name, so when you search for those mafia groups, you wont be able to find them. However, they also use an avatar to represent them. If you put your mouse over the avatar it gives you their real names! I simply typed their real names in the search, looked for their matching avatar, requested their friendship, and asked for a mafia invite. Many of them are so highly ranked they actually ignore your requests, but there are some who will add you. When you do get a request to go through, be sure to click the TOP MAFIA link on your MAFIA WAR homepage and add them as one of your six top members. They provide nice bonuses for attack and defense, as well random chances at extra cash and experience points when you get into fights. Hopefully this will work for you. It helped me move up much quicker.

Doing Jobs and Point Distribution

Besides recruitment, the ability to “Do Jobs” is probably the most important. This basically requires a stat called ENERGY to be increased each time you level up (five points per level). What worked for me was using three points per level on my ENERGY stat for the first one hundred levels completed while using just one point for attack and one point for defense. After reaching level one hundred, it really depends on what you plan to do with your character to decide on your distribution. I’m much more of a fight first type of character so I prefer to put alot of points on attack, but those who rather level up as quickly as they can, may want to put more points on energy or defense.

Just remember that the attack and defense stats are important, but they only become really useful when you reach the 501 mafia limit. Prior to reaching the MAFIA limit, its actually more valuable if you concentrate on recruitment and leveling up rather than worrying about the attack and defense stats. Why is this? Its pretty simple. A mafia of three hundred is more powerful than a mafia of fifty. Even if your both the same level, the bigger mafia has a greater chance of winning a fight simply because of greater numbers. So in short, when beginning with Mafia Wars, focus on energy points and recruitment and max out at 501 members as quickly as possible.

*Health and Stamina Points*. To be honest with everyone, I hardly pay attention to these points at all. I rely on the collection of items to provide bonuses for these statistics and focus all my points on Energy, Attack, and Defense. For those who are new to Mafia Wars, Health is obviously your life meter while stamina is the number of times you can fight, rob, or place a hit on someone at any given time. Your stamina increases by a point every five minutes so I find that to be enough for me to attack others when I need to. As for the health meter, if you have the proper equipment and high defensive points, then you take usually take less damage. Critical Hits are a problem however, but I wont get into that at this time.

Earning Money and protecting your Assets

I had a very unique way of earning money when I first started with Mafia Wars. Initially, I attempted to use most of my funds buying up properties because they provided me with an hourly income. However, higher level members would “rob” me and totally destroy my properties making me broke and unable to fix them. So I came up with a pretty simple strategy. There is a property called “Mafia Mike’s” which provide you about $12,000 hourly and cannot be robbed by rival mafias. You can buy a Mafia Mike’s each time you recruit two mafia members. So what I did was recruit Mafia members while buying only Mafia Mike properties. This negated the ability to rob me, and rivals were forced to attack me or let me be. When I finally reached 501 members, I was earning a little over a million dollars and hour and it was enough to equip my mafia with the weapons they needed to protect my properties. It was at this time when I started to buy other properties such as Mega Casinos and Hotels. So far, this strategy has worked very well for me.

After each 24 hour period, I placed whatever earnings I made directly into the bank. The bank charges a 10% laundering fee to deposit your funds, but once in the bank the cash is 100% protected from being stolen from your rivals. Eventually, you’ll be able to buy some of the more expensive items and properties with the money saved.


Its inevitable. Everyone want to be the top dog on the street and rival mafias will eventually want to pick a fight with you, take your money, or snuff you out. You’ll also want to flex your muscles, so others will know who the toughest guy on the block is, so prepare your mafia for battle! In my opinion, this is the best aspect of the game. The only tip I can give you is to be prepared for attacks from Day 1. If others see your mafia is small and your ranked a bit lower than them, they’ll probably want to test you out. Just be sure that all your mafia is equipped with the best weapons and armor you can provide them, and try to get each of them a vehicle. The higher the levels you attain, the better weapons, armor, and vehicles will become available. Keep your equipment updated at all times and be sure each member has something to use! Weapons are also used for some jobs so its good that you start building your inventory early.

There is also a simple rule when you get snuffed. If you dont have enough strength to beat a rival mafia or are low on stamina points, DONT HEAL yourself right away. Yes, you heard me, healing your mafia isn’t always the best option. After being killed, your basically “blacklisted” and must gain over twenty points before you can be attacked again. This gives you time to build your stamina and mount a counter attack or pay for a hit if the rival mafia is to powerful for you to beat one on one. Never give the rivals the satisfaction of snuffing you out over and over again within the same hour because you stupid enough to heal yourself right away while making your mafia vulnerable for attack again.

I’d also recommend that your defense always be a little higher than your attack points. I started concentrating on this after level 100. Currently my defense is about twenty points higher than my offense and I’m able to repel a greater number of attacks than before. I’ve been snuffed out from time to time by much higher levels by being put on a hitlist, but I actually am able to repel some of their attacks and earn experience because of critical damage I’m able to inflict due to my top mafia members. Unless the rival mafia is willing to wait long to snuff you out again, your generally safe from other all out attack.

Well, I hope you find at least some of this information useful as you begin to build your mafia to “WORLD DOMINATION” status. Feel free to add me ( to your friends list and just include a note with the words {SYR} MAFIA WARS so I’ll know where you came from and the reason for your request! Thanks!

June 26, 2009

The 'King of Pop,' Michael Jackson dies at age 50

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted child star who rose to become the "King of Pop" and the biggest celebrity in the world only to fall from his throne in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday. He was 50. Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. Ed Winter, the assistant chief coroner for Los Angeles County, confirmed his office had been notified of the death and would handle the investigation.

The circumstances of Jackson's death were not immediately clear. Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30 p.m., Capt. Steve Ruda told the Los Angeles Times. The paramedics performed CPR and took him to the hospital, Ruda told the newspaper.

Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.

His 1982 album "Thriller" — which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" — is the best-selling album of all time, with an estimated 50 million copies sold worldwide.

The public first knew him in the late 1960s, when as a boy he was the precocious, spinning lead singer of the Jackson 5, the music group he formed with his four older brothers. Among their No. 1 hits were "I Want You Back," "ABC," and "I'll Be There."

He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks second only to his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.

"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words," said Quincy Jones, who produced "Thriller." "He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."

Jackson ranked alongside Elvis Presley and the Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time. He united two of music's biggest names when he was briefly married to Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, and Jackson's death immediately evoked that of Presley himself, who died at age 42 in 1977.

As years went by, Jackson became an increasingly freakish figure — a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grown-up life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice. He surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, often wore a germ mask while traveling and kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions.

"It seemed to me that his internal essence was at war with the norms of the world. It's as if he was trying to defy gravity," said Michael Levine, a Hollywood publicist who represented Jackson in the early 1990s. He called Jackson a "disciple of P.T. Barnum" and said the star appeared fragile at the time but was "much more cunning and shrewd about the industry than anyone knew."

Jackson caused a furor in 2002 when he playfully dangled his infant son, Prince Michael II, over a hotel balcony in Berlin while a throng of fans watched from below.

In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him, and of engaging in strange and inappropriate behavior with other children.

The case followed years of rumors about Jackson and young boys. In a TV documentary, he had acknowledged sharing his bed with children, a practice he described as sweet and not at all sexual.

Despite the acquittal, the lurid allegations that came out in court took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.

Jackson was preparing for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13. He was in rehearsals in Los Angeles for the concert, an extravaganza that was to capture the classic Jackson magic: showstopping dance moves, elaborate staging and throbbing dance beats.

Singer Dionne Warwick said: "Michael was a friend and undoubtedly one of the world's greatest entertainers that I fortunately had the pleasure of working with. ... We have lost an icon in our industry."

Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital as word of his death spread. The emergency entrance at the UCLA Medical Center, which is near Jackson's rented home, was roped off with police tape.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson has just died," a woman boarding a Manhattan bus called out, shortly after the news was announced. Immediately many riders reached for their cell phones.

So many people wanted to verify the early reports of Jackson's death that the computers running Google's news section interpreted the fusillade of "Michael Jackson" requests as an automated attack for about half an hour Thursday evening.

In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.

"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend sent to his telephone. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."

taken from : Yahoo News

June 13, 2009

View photos of people that aren't in your friends list!

you want to see someone picture on facebook but you are not friends yet. Follow this steps.
1. You must have account on facebook. Log in to your account
2. add this applications by copy paste code below to your browser

3. Allow that applications
4. All you have to do is type the name, friend id or profile url in the box below and hit "Get Photos". Paste Friend ID, URL.

June 04, 2009

New Coin Hack Restaurant City Tricks

New Coin Hack Restaurant City by Patiniox at

here the explanation how to use this trick without any tools just use a scientific calculator

1. Open cheat engine and Restaurant city and calculator
2. Let your worker work and open your restaurant
3. After someone pay for food go back to cheat engine
4. tic a hex, 8 byte, and also scan read memory
5. put this value at cheat engine "0FF20000005C840F" and do a first scan
6. you now got a single address. copy to notepad or anything
7. example : you got "1FDD1026" as your value 1 then add by 62 at calculator so you got "1FDD1088" as value 2
8. here the code and change value 1 or value 2 by the address that you got.

<Description>Coint O Matic 1 plato = $1000 </Description>
Value 1:
jmp newmem
inc [Patiniox]
cmp [Patiniox],64
jnbe Value 2
mov [Patiniox],FFFFFE0C
je Value 2
jmp returnhere
Value 1:

9. Copy paste to your cheat engine and right click enable this cheat.
10. now if someone pay for food your coin will add rapidly. but dont let this chear run to long.
11. disable this cheat and save restaurant city and relogin again.

June 01, 2009

Restaurant City Trophy Triks

here the formula
X = Y * 8 + 6
Y = your trophy count
x = value that you will search on cheat engine

here the example
1 had collect 100 rubbish
so i would search 100 * 8 + 6 = 806

so let's get those gold trophy ...
1. open cheat engine
2. attach your restaurant city browser process
3. change to 4 byte
4. put your value in this case = 806 then do a first scan
5. you will find many address but dont worry.
6. back to restaurant city then click the rubbish to add 1 rubbish on trophy counter
7. calculate new value --> 101 * 8 + 6 = 814
8. put 814 on cheat engine and do a next scan
9. you will find 5 or 4 address on left
10. look a different address from other then click to move on
11. calculate a new value exp: 10000 * 8 + 6 =80006
12. change the value address
13. save your restaurant city then login again.

credits to the founder of this tips and tricks.

Get New ingredients - restaurant city trick

you can get new ingredients when visit random restaurant
this a new trick.

1. open Restaurant City at your browser and visit anyone on street
2. open cheat engine
3. tic at hex, also scan read memory and 8 byte
4. Open process to your browser at cheat engine
5. put this code at cheat engine c0940fc13b34498b
6. you will find 1 address on your left at cheat engine
7. right click, disambler this memory region
8. look at below find "cmp eax,ecx”
9. change by double click at this pointer then change to “cmp eax,eax”
10. close, than go to random street

credits to Jackal @
(Chinese Page)

May 26, 2009

Restaurant City Daily Food Quiz

Q: Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what?
A: Seaweed

Q: Bechamel sauce is also known as...
A: White Sauce

Q: To blanch a vegetable, means to?
A: Boil and Cool off quickly

Q: Calamari is fried?
A: Squid

Q: What is a Calzone?
A: A turnover made of pizza dough

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Calzone?
A: Italian

Q: Caviar is made from?
A: Fish Egg

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style?
A: Deep dish

Q: Chilli is a?
A: Fruit

Q: Which of these chillies is the spiciest?
A: Naga jolokia pepper

Q: What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time?
A: Kiwi

Q: What is chocolate bloom?
A: Cocoa fat or sugar

Q: The chuck is found where on the cow?
A: Front

Q: Which continent produces the most cocoa?
A: Africa

Q: What is coconut?
A: Fruit

Q: Q: A crepe is typical a ...?
A: Thinly cooked pancake

Q: Dim sum originated from which country?
A: China

Q: Dulce de leche is prepared by heating...?
A: Sweetened Milk

Q: Which sauce used in Egg Benedicts?
A: Hollandaise sauce

Q: Where did Feta Cheese come from?
A: Greece

Q: The flank is found where on the cow?
A: Mid

Q: Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal?
A: Liver

Q: In England, French Fries are called?
A: Chips

Q: To garnish a food means?
A: Add final touches

Q: Granny smith apples are?
A: Green

Q: Grapes grow on?
A: Vines

Q: The main ingredient in Guacamole is?
A: Avocado

Q: Where is the hamburger originaly from?
A: United states

Q: What is Hashi?
A: Chopsticks

Q: Honey comes from?
A: Bees

Q: What is the main ingredient in Hummus?
A: Chickpeas

Q: Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented?
A: Vegetables

Q: What is Ketchup made of?
A: Tomatoes

Q: Lard is the fat obtained from which animal?
A: Pig

Q: Naan Bread is served with... ?
A: Indian Food

Q: Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented?
A: Soybeans

Q: New-York Style Pizzas are generally?
A: Thin crust

Q: The pizza originates from which country?
A: Italy

Q: To poach something means?
A: To cook in boiling water

Q: To Proof dough means to...
A: Allow it to rise

Q: Prunes are dried...?
A: Plums

Q: Raisins are dried...?
A: Grapes

Q: Ratatouille is?
A: A vegetarian dish

Q: The main ingredient of Ratatouille is?
A: Tomatoes

Q: To refresh vegetables is....?
A: To immerse in COLD water

Q: What is the color of Rhubarb?
A: Red

Q: The rump is found where on the cow?
A: Back

Q: What is Saffron?
A: Spice

Q: Sauerkraut is made from?
A: Fermented Cabbage

Q: To saute a dish, means to?
A: Fry quickly in hot pan

Q: The sirloin is found where on the cow?
A: Mid

Q: What is the most expensive spice in the world?
A: Saffron

Q: Which of the following spices is the most expensive??
A: Pure Vanilla

Q: Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw?
A: Beef

Q: What is Stracchino?
A: a fresh cheese from Italy

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find sushi?
A: Japanese

Q: Where does taco orignate from?
A: Mexico

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find tacos?
A: Mexican

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Tapas?
A: Spanish

Q: Tofu is made of .... ?
A: Soybean

Q: A tomato is a?
A: Fruit

Q: What color is Tuna meat?
A: Pink

Q: Where is Tuna from?
A: Salt Water

Q: The main ingredients in Tzatziki are?
A: Yoghurt and Cucumber

Q: Venison is the meat from what animal?
A: Deer

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi?
A: Horseradish

May 19, 2009

Restaurant City Trik

Udah pada main restaurant city di Facebook ? Main donk ... buat yang suka main the sims pasti langsung tau apa yang mesti diperbuat.
Bagi gw game adalah kesenangan, jadi paling males main game yang susah ... always easy level.
ini ada trik buat yang baru main.

Daily food question
1. Login ke Resto City.
2. Aktifkan Cheat engine.
3. Klik proses di cheat engine atau klik gambar komputer di kiri atas, pilih browser yg kamu gunakan. Misalnya firefox maka pilih firefox.exe
4. Kembali ke Resto city lalu klik email daily food question.
5. Saat Pertanyaan keluar dan ada waktu 10 detik, klik alt + tab masuk kembali ke cheat engine.
6. klik enable speed hack di cheat engine.
7. Rubah dari 1 menjadi 0, lalu apply.
8. kembali ke resto city, atau buka google dan cari tahu jawaban dari question tersebut.
9. klik dahulu jawaban di resto city lalu kembali ke cheat engine.
10. ubah nilai 0 kembali menjadi 1 dan apply.
11. kembali ke resto city.

Sampah / Rubish
1. Login ke Resto City.
2. Aktifkan Cheat engine.
3. Klik proses di cheat engine atau klik gambar komputer di kiri atas, pilih browser yg kamu gunakan. Misalnya firefox maka pilih firefox.exe
4. Tic atau pilih di cheat engine pilihan hex, ganti ke 8 byte, dan pilih also scan read memory.
5. cari nilai 0000D49189D32B didengan cheat engine lalu scan.
6. setelah selesai scan dan keluar 1 addres disebelah kiri, klik addres tersebut agar pindah kebawah atau hapalkan/catat nilai tempat address tersebut. (8 karakter)
7. isikan ke nilai cheat dibawah ini di tempat yg 00000000:

<Description>Give me more RUBBISH</Description>
sub edx,edx
sub edx,ebx

8. copy seleuruh cheat yg sudah di isi dan pastekan di cheat engine.
9. Klik kanan dan enable this cheat.
10. Silahkan anda mengklik sampah tersebut. 1 sampah = 1 koin + 1 point

tips: gunakan makro recorder kalo tangan anda cape ngeklik mouse :P
ask: tolong donk klik naga gw yg disebelah, biar bangun dia, please....
Credits to the author of rc tools. THANKS BRO !!!

April 15, 2009

Mengaplikasikan texture ke bidang Tidak datar

How to Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces final1
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 1
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 2
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 3
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 4
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 5
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 6
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 6a
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 7
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 8
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 9
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 10
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 10a
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 11
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 12
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 13
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 14
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 15
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 16
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 17
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 18
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 19
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 20
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 21
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 22
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 22a
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces 23
Apply Textures to Uneven Surfaces final large

Panduan Dalam Memberi Nama Bayi Muslim

Berikut ini adalah panduan dasar dalam memilih nama-nama muslim / islam untuk seorang bayi. Kita nanti akan dipanggil satu persatu dengan nama kita saat hari dihisab / dihitung segala amal baik dan buruk kita, jadi pilihlah yang terbaik dan tentukan dengan bijaksana.

  • Nama terbaik untuk bayi laki-laki ialah ‘Abdullah’ dan ‘Abdurrahman’.
  • Nama yang paling pas untuk bayi ialah ‘Harits’ dan ‘Hammam’.
  • Nama yang paling tidak pantas, buruk untuk seorang bayi ialah ‘Harb’ dan ‘Murrah’.
  • Sangat dilarang memakai nama 'Barrah' untuk nama bayi anda.
  • Sangat dilarang memberikan nama bayi dengan arti yang buruk dan tidak baik.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama 'Abdul' (artinya hamba/pengikut) untuk nama lain selain 99 nama 'Allah' (Asmaa-ul Husnaa) dan Abdullah (artinya Hamba Allah); Misalnya 'Abdul Monas'.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan 99 nama Allah (Asmaa-ul Husnaa) jika tidak ada nama Abdul didepan nama tersebut. Misalnya -Arrahman, Arrahim.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama yang non muslim
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama Sultan, Salaatin, Syahansah, Sayyidun Nas, Sayyidul Kuli, Sayyidu Saadaat.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama benda-benda yang disembah orang seperti Latta, ‘Uzza, Manat, Assah, Naailat, Hublu, dan lain-lain.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama penguasa zalim seperti Fir’aun, Haman dan lain-lain.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama setan/iblis seperti Al-A’war, Al-Ajda, Khanzab dan lain-lain.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama-nama binatang.
  • Sangat dilarang menggunakan nama yang artinya kebalikan dari kebaikan.
  • Sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk memakai nama para malaikat.
  • Jangan menggunakan nama laki-laki untuk bayi perempuan, begitu juga sebaliknya.
  • Jangan menggunakan nama yang tidak ada artinya sama sekali.
  • Sangat dianjurkan untuk tidak memberikan nama yang terlalu panjang.
  • Sangat dianjurkan untuk memilih nama yang dalam pengucapannya/arti dalam bahasa kita sama seperti pengucapan/ arti dalam bahasa Arab, karena tidak mempengaruhi arti dari kata tersebut.
Apapun nama yang akan anda pilih adalah keputusan anda. Tapi gunakanlah petunjuk diatas agar anda tidak salah memilih dalam memilih nama untuk bayi anda.
Sumber :

April 03, 2009

Membuat Font Terlihat Glossy part II

  1. Langkah Pertama

    • Buka Program Photoshop pada layer background isikan #525252 kemudian tuliskan teks anda. Saya menggunakan font "Phrixus"step 1

  2. Langkah Kedua

    • Buka blending mode lalu pilih outer glow

  3. Langkah Ketiga

    • pilih Gradient overlay

  4. Langkah Keempat

    • Stroke dan tekan OK

  5. Langkah Kelima

    • Inilah yang kita dapatkan

  6. Langkah Keenam

    • Buat layer bary. Tekan CTRL pada keyboard dan klick pada layer text di layer pallet anda. ini akan membuat seleksi didalam text anda.
      Pilih sleksi lingkarang, dan tekan ALT, tarik dan bentuk oval dengan menekan mouse kiri anda.

  7. Langkah KeTujuh

    • Biarkan terbuat seleksi seperti gambar dibawah ini kemudian pilih [ Select > modify > contract > ] by 1 pixel.
      Isi seleksi tadi dengan warna putih, lalu set blending mode ke overlay dan opacity 87%. Tekan CTRL+D untuk menghilangkan seleksi. Hasil akhir tadi ialah seperti dibawah ini.

Cara Menulis HTML pada Blog Part 2 (hack the css code)

Kadang kita ingin menuliskan beberapa kode HTML, atau CSS atau bahasa lain dalam blog kita. Tapi yang terlihat saat kita telah posting pasti kosong. Cara pertama yaitu mengganti kode < dengan cara &gt;.

Tentu repot. Pasti lebih banyak gagalnya daripada berhasilnya. jadi sekarang kita buat cara yang lebih mudah yaitu memakai css script. Mari ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini.

  • Sign in blog anda lalu pilih Dashboard -> Layout -> Edit HTML
  • Lalu Tuliskan Kode ini sebelum ]]<>/b:skin<

    .csscode {
    margin : 15px 35px 15px 15px;
    padding : 10px;
    clear : both;
    list-style-type : none;
    background : #333333;;
    border-top : 2px solid #AAAAAA;
    border-right : 2px solid #AAAAAA;
    border-bottom : 2px solid #AAAAAA;
    border-left : 2px solid #AAAAAA;

    coba lihat contoh ini
  • Save template
  • Mulai sekarang saat ingin menuliskan kode/bahasa pemograman kita tinggal menggunakan <div class="csscode"> and </div>

  • Ok, Cukup mudah kan

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