November 20, 2009

MouseHunt Walkthrough -section 2-

The original post :

MouseHunt is a Facebook game where you set traps to catch various weird and wacky mice. Over the years it has developed into a content-rich game, with many paths and possible strategies. It is fun to explore, but there are certain areas where new players might get lost in, not knowing what to do next. That's what this guide is here for. :) The following information is the result of experience and the study of the MouseHunting community.

Chapter 4: Laboratory (Master)

* If you had collected 4 Splintered Wood, craft the Dehydration Base using this recipe.
o NOTE: If you're still Journeyman, attempting to craft this base could result in failure, losing all your ingredients.
o 1 Dehydration Base Blueprints
o 213 Salt
o 4 Splintered Wood
* Do not go to the Great Gnarled Tree yet; go the Laboratory first. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot (if you have it) / Swiss Army Mouse Trap
o Base: Dehydration Base (if you crafted it) / Explosive Base
o Cheese: Swiss. Also take along about 300 Brie, but don't use it.
* Hunt until you acquire:
o Zombie Mouse with the Tattered Mousoleum Map. Do not go to the Mousoleum just yet.
o Dwarf Mouse with the Key to the Town of Digby.
o At least 33 Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions. Yes, it may take a while to accumulate these, but it'll pay off. These are used to make Radioactive Blue cheese, which is needed in the Mousoleum.
o There is a way to speed up the process. Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions are more effective on SUPER|Brie+ than Brie, converting more per potion. If you use SUPER|Brie+, you don't need as many potions to create the same amount of Radioactive Blue cheese. Find out how to obtain SUPER|Brie+ here.

Chapter 5a: Town of Digby/Mousoleum

* Go to the Town of Digby. Setup doesn't matter much, as we aren't going to hunt there.
o If you have the PartyBot, you do not need to go to the Town of Digby or buy a trap there.
* Buy the Sinister Portal (140,600 gold). If you already have the Ambrosial Portal, use that instead.
* Go to Inventory → Potions.
* Convert your Brie into Radioactive Blue using the Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions.
o Using the potions will consume gold, so you do not have to convert all your Brie at once; just convert with 1 or 2 potions, and use the gold you'll be earning to convert more.
o Also note that as you level up, your potions become more effective and can convert more cheese. This is another reason not to use all your potions at once.
* Go to the Mousoleum. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Sinister Portal / Ambrosial Portal. Do not use any other weapon.
o Base: Dehydration Base (with PartyBot) / Explosive Base (with Portals)
o Cheese: Radioactive Blue. No other cheese is effective.
o Most of the mice in the Mousoleum are of type "Shadow", which is resistant to "Physical" traps. This is why you must use a "Shadow" trap to catch them, and why I discouraged buying the NVMRC Forcefield / Mouse Deathbot.
o Exception: The PartyBot. The mice are resistant to it, but it has high enough power to catch the few physical mice in the Mousoleum, and its high luck means that it doesn't do too bad against shadow mice either. Statistics show that the PartyBot actually earns more gold than the Sinister Portal. You may safely ignore the "my trap was less effective against this mouse" messages.
o The Mousoleum mice are tougher than you may be used to. You will miss a fair amount of mice, and they steal more than the mice in the other areas. However, the mice here are also worth far more than other areas, making the Mousoleum one of the best areas to make gold in. Just make sure that you're using the correct setup.
* Continue hunting, converting Brie into Radioactive Blue as needed.
* Attempt to catch a Lycan Mouse with the Shredded Furoma Map Piece.
* If you run out of Radioactive Blue potions before catching one, you may either go back to the Laboratory to find more potions, or craft Moon Cheese, which increases the attraction rate for Lycans in the Mousoleum greatly, using this recipe:
o 1 Meteorite, dropped by Granite Mice in the Town of Digby. Use the same setup you were using in the Laboratory.
+ If you're lucky, you may find a Mole Mouse with the Shredded Furoma Map Piece while hunting in Digby, but they are quite rare.
o 3 Curds and Whey, obtainable from the Harbour General Store.
o 2 Magic Essence, obtainable by smashing SUPER|Brie+. Find out how to obtain SUPER|Brie+ here.
* Once you have the Shredded Furoma Map Piece, continue hunting in the Mousoleum, using potions as you go.
* Save about 30 Radioactive Blue Cheese; if you used it all up, go back to the Laboratory for a few potions. Then continue to the next chapter.

Chapter 5b: Great Gnarled Tree

* Go to the Great Gnarled Tree.
* What trap do you use here? There are quite a number of Tactical mice here, so you'll need a Tactical type trap. Actually you don't need one right now, but you'll be going to an area with even more Tactical mice soon, so you might as well get one now.
* If you happen to have the Snow Barrage, use that here with the Dehydration Base and Swiss cheese.
* If you do not have the Snow Barrage, buy the Venus Mouse Trap from the trapsmith here. Use it with the Explosive Base and Swiss cheese.
* Hunt until you have at least 827,500 points. Once you have that, you will be able to upgrade the Venus Mouse Trap.
* You may have noticed back in the Mousoleum that whenever Radioactive Blue Cheese goes stale on your trap, you receive a crafting item called the Radioactive Sludge.
* You need 20 of these, which you likely don't have. Thus, equip the trap setup with the worst cheese effect ratings possible.
* For most, this will be the Sinister Portal with Explosive Base. If you don't have that, get the Mouse Rocketine from the Town of Gnawnia, which in fact has an even worse cheese effect.
* Do not use trap components with a high attraction bonus, like the Tacky Glue Trap.
* Equip your remaining Radioactive Blue Cheese and hunt in the Town of Gnawnia.
* Your attraction rate will be extremely low, but you will collect Radioactive Sludge every time your cheese goes stale. Again, you need 20 of these; check your progress with your crafting panel, accessible via Inventory → Crafting.
* Once you have that, go to your crafting panel, click the green arrow by the Hunter's Hammer, and smash your Venus Mouse Trap. You will get a Venus Mouse Trap Husk.
* Now enter this recipe into the crafting panel:
o 1 Venus Mouse Trap Husk
o 20 Radioactive Sludge
* Hit the Combine Items button. Cackle evilly while doing so (optional, but fun). It's… alive!
* Behold, a Mutated Venus Mouse Trap! Equip that with the Dehydration Base and Swiss cheese and continue hunting in the Great Gnarled Tree.
* If you had accidentally smashed the Venus Mouse Trap without the required points or Radioactive Sludge, you can easily reconstruct it by crafting with the Venus Mouse Trap Husk alone.
* You may collect some Gnarled Cheese Curd Potions, or if you're really lucky, the Map of the Lagoon. Save these for later.
* Continue hunting until you reach Grandmaster.

Chapter 6: Training Grounds/Bazaar (Grandmaster)

* Do not go to the Lagoon yet. Though the game allows you to go there as a Grandmaster, there are important traps and items that you need to acquire in the other regions.
* Make sure you're stocked up on Swiss. Buy more from the Town of Gnawnia if necessary, but leave enough for travel.
* If you haven't got the Dehydration Base Blueprints from the Harbour yet, go and get it now. Also get 213 Salt.
* Go to the Training Grounds. What trap do you use? Notice that most of the mice here are of the Tactical type, as detailed in the last chapter. So use:
o Weapon: Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Swiss; if you need more, do not buy from the Cheese Shoppe there, as it costs twice what the Town of Gnawnia charges.
* I do not recommend that you buy the Zugzwang's Last Move sold in the Trapsmith here. If you do not have the weapons listed, I recommend you backtrack to acquire the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap, as it is superior and can be upgraded later in the game. However, if you already have the Zugzwang's Last Move, use it with the Explosive Base.
* Note that the General Store here sells Splintered Wood. If you haven't had enough to craft the Dehydration Base, you may buy what you needed, and craft it now. Here's the recipe again:
o 1 Dehydration Base Blueprints
o 213 Salt
o 4 Splintered Wood
* Hunt until you get the Ticket to the Burroughs Bazaar from one of the mice.
* Before leaving the Training Grounds, go to the General Store. Stock:
o 10 Burroughs Salmon
o 10 Nori
o 3 Rice Paper
o 15 Splintered Wood
* You may sell some of your Swiss to the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Training Grounds to raise the gold needed.
* Now go back to the Town of Gnawnia. Sell back your Swiss (and other cheese you may have received from King's Rewards) and buy Brie (yes, your last upgrade)
* Now it's off to the Bazaar.
* As soon as you arrive, go to the Cartographer, and turn in your Shredded Furoma Map. It will cost you 90,000 gold. If you had bought too much Brie, you may refund them at the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Bazaar.
* It takes approximately 24 hours to repair the Shredded Furoma Map. While waiting, you may hunt in the Bazaar. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap / Zugzwang's Last Move
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Brie; again, do not buy from the Cheese Shoppe here.
* Check on the progress of the Furoma map repairs.
* Once repair is complete, pick up your Furoma Map Stitch from the Cartographer. Note that you now have three new areas in Furoma open to you: the Dojo, the Meditation Room, and the Pinnacle Chamber.
* Before leaving the Bazaar, go to the General Store. Stock:
o 10 Cheesy Fluffs
o 300 Curds and Whey
o 10 Invisi-glu
o 10 Ionized Salt
o 10 Paint-brand Paint
o 8 Droid Parts (if you can't afford these, come back later, but get the others)
* Again, you may sell some of your Brie to the Cheese Shoppe right here in the Bazaar to raise the gold needed.

Chapter 7: Dojo

* Travel to the Dojo. Use:
o Weapon: Snow Barrage / Mutated Venus Mouse Trap / Zugzwang's Last Move
o Base: Dehydration Base (with Snow Barrage or Mutated Venus Mouse Trap) / Explosive Base (with Zugzwang's Last Move)
o Cheese: Brie
* You'll find much of the same mice here that you did in the Training Grounds. Except you won't find any White Mice or Dwarf Mice here. Instead, there are three notable new mice, each of which drop a special crafting item:
o Student of the Cheese Claw — drops the Token of the Cheese Claw.
o Student of the Cheese Fang — drops the Token of the Cheese Fang.
o Student of the Cheese Belt — drops the... argh, you can figure this one out. :p
* Most students will drop their corresponding token when caught, however there is a small minority (about 1%) that won't. It is not a bug, although it is often mistaken for one.
* Each of these tokens are used to craft a specific type of cheese, used to catch a specific mouse in the Meditation Room. Here are the cheeses and their recipes:
o Susheese — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Claw:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Claw
+ 3 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Nori
+ 1 Burroughs Salmon
o Combat — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Fang:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Fang
+ 5 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Splintered Wood
+ 1 Paint-brand Paint
o Glutter — used to catch the Master of the Cheese Belt:
+ 3 Tokens of the Cheese Belt
+ 7 Curds and Whey
+ 1 Invisi-glu
+ 1 Cheesy Fluffs
* All recipes above make 3 pieces of cheese. Note you can't double these recipes to make double the cheese; the quantities have to be entered exactly. The good news is you only have to enter each recipe once; once you do, it can be recalled from the "Previously Crafted" drop-down box, as long as you have the ingredients.
* Once you have crafted some of these special cheeses, you can try your luck using them in the Meditation Room. Note that the cost of traveling is only 25 each way, so you can choose how often you want to go.
* Your goal is to catch one of each type of Master. Once you have caught one of a certain type, do not continue hunting with that cheese. Either switch to a different crafted cheese, or return to the Dojo ground floor.
o The Master of the Cheese Claw drops the Master Claw Shard
o The Master of the Cheese Fang drops the Master Fang Shard
o The Master of the Cheese Belt drops the... well...
* Combine all three shards (just throw one of each into the recipe) to create the Master's Seal.
* Now return to the Dojo ground floor, and be on the lookout for the Ambush Trap Blueprints. These may be dropped by either the Assassin Mouse or the Worker Mouse.
* Once you have it (you may have already got it while hunting the students), you may attempt to craft the Ambush.
o Keep in mind, however, that as a Grandmaster, you will need to use a red box, and thus may fail, losing all your ingredients.
o The chance of failure seems to be about 50%. There is no way to affect this probability; it is not affected by your percentage progress across your Grandmaster rank, or the order in which you put the ingredients in. The only "safe" way of crafting the Ambush is to wait until Legendary.
o That said, here's the recipe:
+ 1 Ambush Trap Blueprints
+ 1 Master's Seal
+ 3 Rice Paper
+ 5 Splintered Wood
+ 8 Droid Parts
* So, to craft it or not? Personally, I'd say no. Partly because I am risk-averse (read: chicken :p), and partly because you are going to have to wait for Legendary anyway.
* However, you may have a different opinion. Having the Ambush will improve performance in the Dojo. Just note that the closer you are to Legendary, the less you have to gain from crafting the Ambush early, and the greater your possibility of not being able to reacquire your ingredients before hitting Legendary, thus delaying your progress. If your progress bar is 70% or more, you should definitely wait for Legendary.
* In any case, continue hunting until you reach Legendary, collecting as many tokens as you can.
o If you're having trouble collecting tokens, and you have the SUPER|Brie+ to spare, you could try crafting Maki cheese, which greatly increases the attraction rate of Students. The recipe is as follows (makes 3 pieces):
+ 1 Nori
+ 3 Curds and Whey
+ 3 Magic Essence (obtainable by smashing SUPER|Brie+)
* If you were waiting to craft the Ambush, or had failed the first time and reacquired the ingredients, you may craft it safely now. :)
* If you still do not have the Ambush Trap Blueprints, go to the Meditation Room and just use Brie. Or, you may use any Swiss you may have received from King's Rewards, to minimize gold loss. You will catch a lot of Hapless Mice; you may have noticed this mouse in the Dojo, and cursed its low point and gold return. However, the Hapless Mice in the Meditation Room have a chance of dropping the Ambush Trap Blueprints; as the Hapless is very easy to catch, you will get many chances.

Chapter 8: Meditation Room/Pinnacle Chamber (Legendary)

* You should now be Legendary, and have crafted the Ambush.
* Now craft as much Susheese, Combat, and Glutter as you can.
* Go to the Meditation Room. Use the Ambush and the Explosive Base.
* Use up all your crafted cheese, catching as many Masters as you can. Do not combine the shards.
* Now it's time to move to the Pinnacle Chamber, just like in those old kung-fu movies, to face the "boss" of Furoma, the Master of the Dojo Mouse (often nicknamed "Mojo").
* You need another crafted cheese to hunt here: the Rumble. The recipe is as follows (makes 3 pieces):
o 1 Ionized Salt
o 20 Curds and Whey
o 1 Master Claw Shard
o 1 Master Fang Shard
o 1 Master Belt Shard
* Note that this recipe uses 5 ingredients, which is the main reason you had to wait for Legendary.
* If you had accidentally combined the shards, you can substitute 1 Master's Seal in place of the shards, but it only makes one piece of Rumble.
* Make as much Rumble as you can, and hunt till you run out. Hopefully, you catch at least one Master of the Dojo Mouse. The important thing is to collect its loot, the Onyx Stone. You only really need one, if you get more, it's icing on the cake.
* If you do not get it, you can either catch more Students and Masters and try again, or you can move on to the next chapters. However, you will need the Onyx Stone eventually.

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