January 10, 2010

MouseHunt Walkthrough -section 3-

The original post :http://interactive.onlinemathlearning.com/mh-index.php

MouseHunt is a Facebook game where you set traps to catch various weird and wacky mice. Over the years it has developed into a content-rich game, with many paths and possible strategies. It is fun to explore, but there are certain areas where new players might get lost in, not knowing what to do next. That's what this guide is here for. :) The following information is the result of experience and the study of the MouseHunting community.

Chapter 9: Catacombs

* You may be wondering where the Catacombs are. Don't worry, you haven't missed a map or anything.
* The Travel Planner will come in handy here.
* Chart a course from your current location (probably the Pinnacle Chamber) to the Laboratory. Include the Bazaar as a stopover in the "Stopover?" column.
* Travel according to the suggested path. While you are at the Bazaar, hand over the Tattered Mousoleum Map for repairs. It'll cost you 160,000 gold.
* It takes 5 days to complete the order. Hence your final destination of your world tour: the Laboratory. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Brie
* Collect another 30 Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potions (sorry, it can't be helped).
* You can check on the progress of your order anytime, even from the Laboratory, from Inventory → Cartographer.
* Once you've collected the potions and the order is done, go back to the Bazaar to pick up the Mousoleum Restoration patch.
* A new region, the Bristle Woods, appears, with a new location: the Catacombs.
* Use one or two Radioactive Blue potions in preparation.
* Be sure you have at least 316,350 gold (plus travelling costs) on hand.
* Go to the Catacombs. Immediately buy the Obelisk of Slumber from the trapsmith. You need this trap; no other trap can substitute. Use it with the Explosive Base, and Radioactive Blue cheese.
* This area behaves much like the Mousoleum did before; tough mice, but great rewards. You'll see some old mice from the Mousoleum, and some new mice. They are of a new type; the "Forgotten" type. This type is best caught using an "Arcane" trap, like the Obelisk of Slumber.
* You have 3 goals here:
o Catch a Keeper Mouse with the Keeper's Candle. This is the key to the next locations, the Forbidden Grove (sometimes this location is missing; that's normal), and the Acolyte Realm (note that it is locked; that's also normal). Do not go to those places yet.
o Collect 632,700 gold (yes, I'm aware that's a lot) to buy the Mysterious Blueprints from the General Store.
o Collect 12 pieces of Scrap Metal, dropped by the Scavenger Mice here.
* The Mysterious Blueprints are used to craft your next trap. Before crafting it, make sure you have:
o At least 3,393,600 points
o 1 Mysterious Blueprints (of course)
o 1 Onyx Stone
o 12 Scrap Metal
o 3 Magic Essence
* Magic Essence is obtainable by smashing SUPER|Brie+. Find out how to obtain SUPER|Brie+ here.
* Once you have those items (check it twice!), unequip your Obelisk of Slumber (by equipping another weapon), and smash it with your Hunter's Hammer in the crafting panel. You'll get 1 Obelisk Parts.
* Craft the Obelisk Parts with the other ingredients above (except the points :p) to get your Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery (or the ACRONYM for short).
* Note that the ACRONYM has an "Insanely Stale" cheese effect. Switch to the Polar Base or Dehydration Base to counteract this effect.
* If you accidentally smashed the Obelisk of Slumber while lacking ingredients, you may reconstruct it by crafting the Obelisk Parts with the Bead of Slumber from the General Store. It'll set you back 2,000 gold, but that's better than having to buy it again.
* Once you have crafted the ACRONYM, continue hunting until you run out of Radioactive Blue, then continue to the next chapter.
* The Scrap Metal may be a bit hard to come by. If you ran out of Radioactive Blue cheese, don't have the 12 needed to craft the ACRONYM, but have the Keeper's Candle, you don't have to go back to the Laboratory. Just grab the Mysterious Blueprints, and continue to the next chapter.

Chapter 10: Forbidden Grove/Acolyte Realm

* Notice that the Curds and Whey in the Catacombs are extremely cheap; only 3 gold per unit. Go ahead and stock about 500 units.
* You do not need to stock much cheese for the next areas. Take along about 50 Brie, just in case; refund the rest at the Town of Gnawnia. Now, you may ask, how will you hunt without cheese? Well...
o You may have noticed a crafting item called Stale Cheese, created every time cheese goes stale on your trap.
o Stale Cheese is used to make Ancient and Runic cheese, which are needed to hunt in the next areas.
o You should have about 100+ of it, maybe slightly less if you've been hunting since before Stale Cheese was released. Nevertheless, you'll find yourself needing more soon enough.
o For this reason you need trap components that have the worst cheese effect ratings possible. If you still do not have the Explosive Base, buy it now. If you don't have a weapon with a "Very Stale" rating or worse (see ranking here), buy the Mouse Rocketine.
* Now go to the Bazaar. Stock about 400 Ionized Salt, more if you can afford it. Just make sure to keep enough for travels, and keep in mind that you will have to use what you buy, since Ionized Salt refunds for less than the purchase price. Also stock as much regular Salt as you have Curds and Whey. Do not confuse the two types of salt.
* In the previous chapter, I have mentioned some unusual properties of the Forbidden Grove and the Acolyte Realm. Here I shall further explain them.
o Basically, the Forbidden Grove stays "open" for 3 hours at a time.
o After this it "closes", disappears from the travel menu, and sends any hunters that are in it into the Acolyte Realm. This is the only way to access the Acolyte Realm.
o The Forbidden Grove then stays "closed" for three hours before "opening" again. Hunters in the Acolyte Realm have to manually travel back to the Forbidden Grove if they wish to hunt there.
* The Forbidden Grove Timer is useful for predicting the next opening and closing times.
* UPDATE: The period of time the Forbidden Grove opens and closes by seems to have changed recently. Stay tuned for updates.
* Wait till the Forbidden Grove is open. If it is open, but there are less than 30 minutes left till closing time, wait for the next opening time. While waiting, you can hunt in the Bazaar using:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Brie
* Prepare for the Forbidden Grove by crafting some Ancient cheese, with the following recipe (makes 3 pieces):
o 3 Stale Cheese
o 6 Ionized Salt
* You can also add 3 Magic Essence to the recipe to make 3 more pieces, if you have the SUPER|Brie+ to spare. I recommend however, that you save any SUPER|Brie+ you may have for Runic cheese, detailed later in this chapter.
* You may also have collected some Ancient Cheese Curd Potions from the Catacombs. You may use them if you like, but they are very expensive to use, at the cost of 1,900 gold per piece of Brie converted. Even SUPER|Brie+ requires 900 gold a piece to convert. It's probably better to use the Stale Cheese instead.
* You only need to craft 15 to 18 pieces of Ancient for each visit to the Forbidden Grove, since you'll only be staying there for 3 hours.
* Also craft about 50+ White Cheddar using the following simple recipe (makes 1 piece):
o 1 Curds and Whey
o 1 Salt
* Once the Forbidden Grove is open, travel to it. Use:
o Weapon: ACRONYM / Obelisk of Slumber
o Base: Dehydration Base (with ACRONYM) / Explosive Base (with Obelisk of Slumber)
o Cheese: Ancient
* There are more "Forgotten" mice here. They are tough; even the ACRONYM may have some trouble catching them. Nevertheless, if you got this far, you should be used to tough areas by now. Stick it out; the rewards are worth it.
* The Scavenger Mice here still drop Scrap Metal, which will help you craft the ACRONYM if you haven't yet.
* Mice here also drop Runes. Collect as many as you can. The Scavenger Mouse in particular can drop up to 7 or 8 runes at a time!
* When the grove closes, you'll be automatically transported to the Acolyte Realm.
* What do you do here? Well, you have 4 choices:
* 1. Craft and use Runic cheese
o Note: If you still haven't crafted the ACRONYM, this strategy may not be profitable. I recommend you save your Runes until you have the ACRONYM.
o If you have managed to collect some Runes, you can use it to craft Runic cheese with this recipe (makes 1 piece):
+ 1 Rune
+ 1 Stale Cheese
+ 3 Ionized Salt
o You can also add 1 Magic Essence to the recipe to make another piece. This allows you to make more Runic cheese from the Runes you have.
o With the Runic cheese, you will attract Golem, Gorgon, and Spectre mice, which you may have seen in the Forbidden Grove. You'll also attract some new mice, the Wight, Lich, and Acolyte mice.
o The new mice can be quite hard to catch, and are mainly a source of bragging rights. The Acolyte Mouse, in particular, is a mouse of the "Arcane" type, which no trap you currently have access to is effective against, as you can see by this table. Nevertheless, there is a very small chance that you might catch it; if you do, congratulations! The Acolyte Mouse has a chance to drop the Mysterious Box.
o You'll be able to craft a trap that will make it easier to catch the Acolyte much later; for now, don't worry if you couldn't catch one.
* 2. Continue using Ancient cheese
o Note: If you still haven't crafted the ACRONYM, this strategy may not be profitable.
o You can continue using the Ancient cheese you were using in the Forbidden Grove.
o However, it isn't as efficient a use for the Ancient cheese; you will earn less gold on average, won't attract the new mice, and you can't get any Scrap Metal or Runes here.
o Nevertheless, this strategy can be used to easily catch the Gate Guardian Mouse, which is more common here than in the Forbidden Grove.
* 3. Create more Stale Cheese
o If you did not manage to collect any Runes, or used up all your Runic, you can use this time to create more Stale Cheese.
o To do this, switch to your stalest trap setup. Use the ACRONYM if you have it, otherwise use the Mouse Rocketine. Use the Explosive Base.
o Use the White Cheddar you crafted. If you run out of Curds and Whey or Salt to craft White Cheddar, you may use any regular Cheddar you may have received from King's Rewards.
o You won't attract any mice, but you should produce a lot of Stale Cheese for later use.
* 4. Hunt elsewhere
o If you've lots of Stale Cheese already and don't feel like making more, you can use this time to hunt elsewhere.
o As you're only going to hunt there for 3 hours, travel costs are important. Use the Travel Planner to chart your course.
o Choose a cheap location. I recommend either the Bazaar or the Town of Digby. Use:
+ Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
+ Base: Dehydration Base
+ Cheese: Brie
* Whatever you choose to do, watch for the time the Forbidden Grove reopens. Once it does, craft more Ancient and go back there for more hunting. If you had changed your trap setup for staling, remember to change it back.
* Try to plan it so that you can stay on your computer for the duration that the Forbidden Grove will be open, so you can sound the horn and maximize the hunting you do there. If you won't be on the computer when the Forbidden Grove closes, it's probably best to just leave your trap at the Acolyte Realm.
* Continue this until you run out of Ionized Salt and Ancient Cheese.
* Once you do, you can either restock Ionized Salt and Cheddar and resume hunting here, or you can continue to the next chapter.

Chapter 11: Catching up

* The Whisker Woods is a relatively new region. I have included mention of a few locations in it (the Calm Clearing and the Great Gnarled Tree) in the previous chapters because it gives you something to do while leveling up. Plus the mice just look darn cool. :p
* This chapter is intended for those who either had progressed through the other regions before the release of the Whisker Woods, or missed the maps the first time round.
* If you don't have access to the Calm Clearing:
o You need to hunt in the Harbour, and catch a Granite Mouse that has the Whisker Woods Clearing Map Piece. Use:
+ Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
+ Base: Wooden Base with Target
+ Cheese: Brie
* If you don't have access to the Great Gnarled Tree:
o You need to hunt in the Calm Clearing, and catch a Cyclops Mouse that has the Gnarled Tree Map Piece. Use:
+ Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
+ Base: Dehydration Base
+ Cheese: Brie
* Once you have both maps, you may move on to the next chapter.

Chapter 12: Great Gnarled Tree/Lagoon

* Go to the Great Gnarled Tree. Use:
o Weapon: PartyBot / Ambush
o Base: Dehydration Base
o Cheese: Brie
* Catch a Fairy Mouse with the Map of the Lagoon. If you've been here, you may already have this; check your inventory.
* Also collect 30 Gnarled Cheese Curd Potions. Yes, you can say the Great Gnarled Tree is to the Lagoon what the Laboratory is to the Mousoleum and Catacombs.
* Before travelling to the Lagoon, let's consider what trap setup you would use.
* As you might have guessed, you'd want to use the Gnarled cheese here, but what about the trap? Checking the wiki entry for the Lagoon reveals a rather curious property. There are mostly Physical and Tactical type mice here, however there are two Shadow type mice, and one mouse of a new "Hydro" type.
* This means there is no one strategy to use in the Lagoon; what setup you'd use largely depends on your goals here.
o 1. If you're just trying to earn the most gold and points, aim for the Physical and Tactical mice. This means to use the PartyBot or Ambush with the Dehydration Base.
o 2. If you're trying to catch the Shadow mice here (i.e. the Goblin and the Harpy), use the ACRONYM with the Dehydration Base. Expect to miss a lot of Tactical mice however.
o 3. If you're trying to get to the next area, the S.S. Huntington II, you want to aim for the sole Hydro mouse in this area, the Hydra Mouse, which has a chance of dropping an important item, the Ship Blueprints.
+ However, you may have noticed that you do not have access to a "Hydro" trap yet.
+ According to this table, the next best thing will be a Physical trap, as the other types of trap are less effective against Hydro mice.
+ If you have the PartyBot, use it. If you don't have it, you may want to go to the Town of Digby to purchase the Digby Drillbot (409,500 gold). It is rather pricey, but worth the expense, as it is useful in later locations and can be upgraded.
# If you need to make more gold, read this for information on how to best make gold from the Catacombs.
+ Use the Dehydration Base with the PartyBot, or the Explosive Base with the Digby Drillbot.
* Whew. Once you have decided what setup to use, arm it with the Gnarled cheese, then go to the Lagoon.
* If you manage to acquire the Ship Blueprints, you can then craft the Ship, a.k.a. the S.S. Huntington II, using this recipe:
o 1 Ship Blueprints
o 900 Splintered Wood (available at the Training Grounds General Store)
o 100 Rope (available here at the Lagoon General Store)
o 70 Bolts of Cloth (also available here at the Lagoon General Store)
o 18 Scrap Metal (may be dropped by the Hydra. If you can't get enough here, you can go back to the Forbidden Grove.)
o 1 King's Reserve Bubbleh (available here at the Lagoon General Store)
* However, you may note that this requires 6 ingredients, so Legendaries can't craft the Ship safely. Or can they? If you use the recipe without the King's Reserve Bubbleh, you'll get an Unchristened Ship. Craft that with the Bubbleh to get the Ship! Tada!
* The ingredients for the Ship are rather pricey and can cost upwards of 600,000 gold combined. If you need more gold, go back to the Catacombs.
* What if you can't get the Ship Blueprints? Well, you may have spotted it on sale back at the Catacombs General Store. However, at 750,000 gold, this is by no means a cheap option.

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